Biologist Quests by Lunatus
On Xaleas you do not have to walk to the Biologist to hand in your quest items. Instead you can hand in your items from anywhere.You can do it easily via your inventory.
An active quest is not necessary to drop the Biologist Items.
Level | Item | Cooldown | Reward |
30 | 10x Orkzahn | 0 |
40 | 15x Fluchsammlung | 0 |
50 | 15x Dämonenandenken | 0 |
60 | 20x Eiskugel | 0 |
70 | 25x Zelkova Holzast | 15 Minutes |
80 | 30x Tugyis Tafel | 30 Minutes |
85 | 40x Roter Geisterbaum-Ast | 1 hour |
90 | 50x Notizen der Anführer | 1 hour |
92 | 10x Juwel der Missgunst | 1 hour |
94 | 20x Juwel der Weisheit | 1 hour |
99 | 15x Razadors Herz | 2 hours |
103 | 20x Nemeres Herz | 2 hours |
106 | 10x Wüstensand | 2 hours |
108 | 25x Verwunschener Ast | 2 hours |
111 | 20x Stein der Ochao | 2 hours |
114 | 30x Tinktur der Elemente | 2 hours |
115 | 65x Verfluchter Sand | 2 hours |